Atlantic Northern

Really? Did nothing cancel? Army had half a day. There's so many poorly chosen words in that sentence. I care deeply for […]

Sams Corner Store

There's so many poorly chosen words in that sentence. No! I was ashamed to be SEEN with you. I like being with […]

Sams Corner Store

Mediocrity knows nothing higher than itself; but talent instantly recognizes genius. You see, but you do not observe. The distinction is clear. […]

Case Foundation Co

I've opened a door here that I regret. That's what it said on 'Ask Jeeves.' Get me a vodka rocks. And a […]


Beutelschies & Company

Man, or at least criminal man, has lost all enterprise and originality. As to my own little practice, it seems to be […]


Megadodo Publications

My name is Sherlock Holmes. It is my business to know what other people don't know. You will not apply my precept. […]
